We all carry a huge powerhouse in our bodies called the chakras. There are a lot of ways in which we can harness, deplete or balance that power. Certainly, we have the remote control at our fingertips if we just enlighten ourselves a bit.
Knowing how all the chakras in the human body work and how we can unleash the power within can fast-forward your personal growth 10x.
So let's dig in. In Sanskrit, chakra is translated as a wheel. As the spine extends upwards from the base, there are seven main energy centers located at different locations within the body. Symbolizing how we are meant to work toward the divine while learning the life lessons each chakra has to teach us.

Name of chakras in the human energy system:
In Sanskrit, each chakra has an interesting name, some of which carry its meaning. Muladhar (Root) Chakra is the first chakra followed by Swadhishtana (Sacral) Chakra, Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra, Anahata (Heart) Chakra, Vishuddha(Throat) Chakra , Ajna(Third Eye) Chakra is sixth and Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra is seventh.
Location of chakras in the human body:
Through the spine, chakras hold their special positions.
At the base of the spine, near the tailbone, is the Root Chakra (Muladhara).
Below the navel is the Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana).
Located around the diaphragm in the upper abdomen, the Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura).
The Heart Chakra (Anahata) is located in the chest.
In the throat area is the Throat Chakra (Vishuddha).
The third eye chakra (Ajna) is found between the eyebrows.
The crown chakra (Sahasrara) is situated at the top of the scalp.

Significance of chakras in our body:
Chakra plays a major role in keeping our well-being balanced. For this balance to be maintained, each chakra needs to spin and allow energy to circulate.
Picture a tranquil stream flowing through a forest and effortlessly finding its way forward. The stream flowed freely until a log got stuck, reducing its flow. Slowing down the current of water. The stream is now stagnant. Clearly, stagnant water leads to a host of problems.
Similarly, a log here represents our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual blocks that make it difficult for energy to flow. Resulting in depleted energy which can be an invitation to disease. It is possible for a stream to overflow if the force of the water is too strong. In the same way, having excess energy can also contribute to an imbalance.
Therefore, there shouldn't be an excess or a deficit of energy. Balance is necessary, and Reiki can aid in achieving this.
How to balance & unleash the energy of the chakras:
Balancing the chakras means finding your true self. During your journey of self-discovery, you are able to hold the fragments of yourself that have been broken off, listen to them, let them cry, whine, yell, or express themselves as they please, and still love them unconditionally. By not repeating those mistakes that caused the disruption, we can learn the lessons each broken part wants to teach us.
Such life lessons are contained in every chakra. For eg. Mulaadhar Chakra teaches the lesson of stability in life. A sense of security is felt when this chakra is balanced. If this chakra is out of balance, a sense of belonging nowhere, feeling unsafe, and constant survival thoughts can nag the person. Resulting in even more suffering.
The chakras can be balanced using a variety of techniques. Such as Reiki, yoga, meditation, acupuncture therapy, chi gong, taichi, and many more. Shortly, exercise, awareness, and mindfulness are essential to get this wheel spinning. Engage in activities that target the mind, body, and soul.

You can do Reiki or take Reiki sessions. Reiki balances the chakras efficiently. As an intelligent force, Reiki promotes well-being by addressing the root cause. Healing the blockages one by one. This universal energy affects the mind, body, and soul simultaneously, resulting in the activation of the chakras.
As we explore each chakra, we will uncover techniques to unlock its power. As someone once said, knowledge is power. Let's explore these energy centers in the human body to accelerate our spiritual growth.
Love & Light
Prajakta Maidase